Finished my final exam smoothly
having a great holiday later?
or juzt take a part time job to fill my 3 weeks holiday ?
But I am sure that my hometown is my 1st station.
Coz i reali miss my mum alot .hehe....
It is really a mummy boy that my friends always calling me
although I AM NOT...hehee
Some how it reali make me can't wait to go for a trip.
Reali have a mind to leave malacca as soon as possible
coz i m planning to KL for a vacation(if possible).
Is that reali a vacation ?
Or a big decision and changes for my life?
Its definitely going to be a number of unknowns in my future life.
I will bring along all my feelings too.
But somehow, I does'nt hope for anything.
Because I am not good enough to hope anything for my self.
Just hope that
you reali Healthy, Wealthy & Happy+Gained Hapiness all the time.
Or maybe this holiday
its just a bored haliday which I will filled it with nothing.haha..^^